Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fame Is Animate... (A Thank You Note)

Sometimes all we really need is someone to believe in us.

And I thank (those of) you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me.

Often times people question my motives for wanting international success.

They are met with surprise when I give them my answer.

Because it was never about the money.

The clothes.

The cars.

All the material possessions that are actually pretty immaterial.

It's always been about helping others.

Those in need.

Those that need hope.


A simple notion that someone cares.

Someone to give them L O V E.

It's about making this world a better place.

And leaving it better than when I entered it.

And it's about giving my family and friends the life they deserve.

It's about repaying those that fostered my growth as an individual.

Those that insured I would live through the hardest times of my life.

And I did.

I'm really the last reason I'm doing all the things I'm doing.




The undying passion for what I do will propel me even further.

And the fact that you guys believe in me makes it all that much more beautiful.

So thank you.

Thank you so much.

I love you.

And remember that dreams really do come true when you believe.



Because delusion does not lay within one's inability to distinguish fantasy from reality.

Rather, delusion truly lies within one's inability to perceive fantasy as (a) reality.



copyright 2012

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Mer Boy

There isn't much I can think of in life that compares to the experience of being an effeminate male, in poise, disposition, and outward ...